Revision 76b66a15
Added by skyjake about 12 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- distrib
- doomsday
- dep_deng.pri
- dep_deng1.pri
- (diff)
- engine
- libdeng
- include
- de
- animator.h
- binangle.h
- concurrency.h
- ddstring.h
- findfile.h
- fixedpoint.h
- garbage.h
- libdeng.h
- mathutil.h
- memory.h
- memoryblockset.h
- memoryzone.h
- point.h
- reader.h
- rect.h
- size.h
- smoother.h
- str.h
- str.hh
- stringarray.h
- timer.h
- types.h
- unittest.h
- vector1.h
- writer.h
- de
- src
- animator.c
- binangle.c
- concurrency.cpp
- findfile_unix.c
- findfile_windows.c
- fixedpoint.c
- garbage.cpp
- libdeng.c
- mathutil.c
- memory.c
- memoryblockset.c
- memoryzone.c
- memoryzone_private.h
- point.c
- reader.c
- rect.c
- size.c
- smoother.cpp
- str.c
- stringarray.cpp
- timer.cpp
- vector1.c
- writer.c
- include
- libdeng1
- plugins
- common
- config_plugin.pri (diff)
- doom
- api
- config
- data
- conhelp.txt
- lumps
- bigfn032.lmp
- fontb032.lmp
- fontb033.lmp
- fontb034.lmp
- fontb035.lmp
- fontb036.lmp
- fontb037.lmp
- fontb038.lmp
- fontb039.lmp
- fontb040.lmp
- fontb041.lmp
- fontb042.lmp
- fontb043.lmp
- fontb044.lmp
- fontb045.lmp
- fontb046.lmp
- fontb047.lmp
- fontb048.lmp
- fontb049.lmp
- fontb050.lmp
- fontb051.lmp
- fontb052.lmp
- fontb053.lmp
- fontb054.lmp
- fontb055.lmp
- fontb056.lmp
- fontb057.lmp
- fontb058.lmp
- fontb059.lmp
- fontb060.lmp
- fontb061.lmp
- fontb062.lmp
- fontb063.lmp
- fontb064.lmp
- fontb065.lmp
- fontb066.lmp
- fontb067.lmp
- fontb068.lmp
- fontb069.lmp
- fontb070.lmp
- fontb071.lmp
- fontb072.lmp
- fontb073.lmp
- fontb074.lmp
- fontb075.lmp
- fontb076.lmp
- fontb077.lmp
- fontb078.lmp
- fontb079.lmp
- fontb080.lmp
- fontb081.lmp
- fontb082.lmp
- fontb083.lmp
- fontb084.lmp
- fontb085.lmp
- fontb086.lmp
- fontb087.lmp
- fontb088.lmp
- fontb089.lmp
- fontb090.lmp
- m_thermm.lmp
- mapmask.lmp
- menufog.lmp
- pal18to8.lmp
- sndcurve.lmp
- stcfn032.lmp
- defs
- doc
- doom.doxy
- doxygen.css
- include
- acfnlink.h
- d_api.h
- d_config.h
- d_console.h
- d_englsh.h
- d_event.h
- d_items.h
- d_main.h
- d_player.h
- d_refresh.h
- d_think.h
- doomdata.h
- doomdef.h
- doomtype.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- info.h
- jdoom.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- oldinfo.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_local.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_oldsvg.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- r_defs.h
- st_stuff.h
- tables.h
- version.h
- wi_stuff.h
- res
- src
- doom64
- api
- config
- data
- defs
- doc
- include
- acfnlink.h
- d_api.h
- d_config.h
- d_console.h
- d_englsh.h
- d_items.h
- d_main.h
- d_player.h
- d_refresh.h
- d_think.h
- doomdef.h
- doomtype.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- info.h
- jdoom64.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- r_defs.h
- st_stuff.h
- tables.h
- version.h
- wi_stuff.h
- res
- src
- heretic
- api
- config
- data
- defs
- doc
- doxygen.css
- heretic.doxy
- include
- acfnlink.h
- doomdata.h
- doomdef.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- h_api.h
- h_config.h
- h_console.h
- h_event.h
- h_items.h
- h_main.h
- h_player.h
- h_refresh.h
- h_stat.h
- h_think.h
- h_type.h
- in_lude.h
- info.h
- jheretic.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_local.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_oldsvg.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- r_data.h
- r_defs.h
- r_local.h
- resource.h
- st_stuff.h
- tables.h
- version.h
- res
- src
- hexen
- api
- config
- data
- conhelp.txt
- lumps
- armslot1.lmp
- armslot2.lmp
- armslot3.lmp
- armslot4.lmp
- chain.lmp
- chain2.lmp
- chain3.lmp
- fonta00.lmp
- fonta60.lmp
- fonta61.lmp
- fonta62.lmp
- fonta63.lmp
- fontb00.lmp
- fontb59.lmp
- fontb60.lmp
- fontb61.lmp
- fontb62.lmp
- fontb63.lmp
- keyslot1.lmp
- keyslot2.lmp
- keyslot3.lmp
- keyslot4.lmp
- keyslot5.lmp
- keyslot6.lmp
- keyslot7.lmp
- keyslot8.lmp
- keyslot9.lmp
- keyslota.lmp
- keyslotb.lmp
- lifegem.lmp
- lifegmc1.lmp
- lifegmc2.lmp
- lifegmc3.lmp
- lifegmc4.lmp
- lifegmc5.lmp
- lifegmc6.lmp
- lifegmc7.lmp
- lifegmc8.lmp
- lifegmf2.lmp
- lifegmf3.lmp
- lifegmf4.lmp
- lifegmf5.lmp
- lifegmf6.lmp
- lifegmf7.lmp
- lifegmf8.lmp
- lifegmm1.lmp
- lifegmm2.lmp
- lifegmm3.lmp
- lifegmm4.lmp
- lifegmm5.lmp
- lifegmm6.lmp
- lifegmm7.lmp
- lifegmm8.lmp
- mapmask.lmp
- menufog.lmp
- pal18to8.lmp
- travlpic.lmp
- wpfull0.lmp
- wpfull1.lmp
- wpfull2.lmp
- wpiecec1.lmp
- wpiecec2.lmp
- wpiecec3.lmp
- wpiecef1.lmp
- wpiecef2.lmp
- wpiecef3.lmp
- wpiecem1.lmp
- wpiecem2.lmp
- wpiecem3.lmp
- defs
- doc
- doxygen.css
- hexen.doxy
- include
- a_action.h
- acfnlink.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- h2def.h
- in_lude.h
- info.h
- jhexen.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- p_acs.h
- p_anim.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_local.h
- p_mapinfo.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_pillar.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_sound.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- p_things.h
- p_waggle.h
- po_man.h
- r_defs.h
- r_local.h
- s_sequence.h
- sc_man.h
- st_stuff.h
- textdefs.h
- version.h
- x_api.h
- x_config.h
- x_console.h
- x_event.h
- x_items.h
- x_main.h
- x_player.h
- x_refresh.h
- x_state.h
- x_think.h
- xddefs.h
- res
- src
- jdoom
- api
- jdoom.def
- config
- startup.cfg
- data
- conhelp.txt
- lumps
- bigfn032.lmp
- fontb032.lmp
- fontb033.lmp
- fontb034.lmp
- fontb035.lmp
- fontb036.lmp
- fontb037.lmp
- fontb038.lmp
- fontb039.lmp
- fontb040.lmp
- fontb041.lmp
- fontb042.lmp
- fontb043.lmp
- fontb044.lmp
- fontb045.lmp
- fontb046.lmp
- fontb047.lmp
- fontb048.lmp
- fontb049.lmp
- fontb050.lmp
- fontb051.lmp
- fontb052.lmp
- fontb053.lmp
- fontb054.lmp
- fontb055.lmp
- fontb056.lmp
- fontb057.lmp
- fontb058.lmp
- fontb059.lmp
- fontb060.lmp
- fontb061.lmp
- fontb062.lmp
- fontb063.lmp
- fontb064.lmp
- fontb065.lmp
- fontb066.lmp
- fontb067.lmp
- fontb068.lmp
- fontb069.lmp
- fontb070.lmp
- fontb071.lmp
- fontb072.lmp
- fontb073.lmp
- fontb074.lmp
- fontb075.lmp
- fontb076.lmp
- fontb077.lmp
- fontb078.lmp
- fontb079.lmp
- fontb080.lmp
- fontb081.lmp
- fontb082.lmp
- fontb083.lmp
- fontb084.lmp
- fontb085.lmp
- fontb086.lmp
- fontb087.lmp
- fontb088.lmp
- fontb089.lmp
- fontb090.lmp
- m_thermm.lmp
- mapmask.lmp
- menufog.lmp
- pal18to8.lmp
- sndcurve.lmp
- stcfn032.lmp
- defs
- chex
- anim.ded
- finales.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materialenvironments.ded
- materials.ded
- menu.ded
- music.ded
- objects.ded
- skies.ded
- text.ded
- chex.ded
- doom1
- anim.ded
- finales.ded
- fonts.ded
- hud.ded
- inlude.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materialenvironments.ded
- materials.ded
- menu.ded
- music.ded
- particles.ded
- skies.ded
- doom1-share.ded
- doom1-ultimate.ded
- doom1.ded
- doom2
- anim.ded
- finales.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materialenvironments.ded
- music.ded
- particles.ded
- skies.ded
- doom2-plut
- anim.ded
- finales.ded
- maps.ded
- doom2-plut.ded
- doom2-tnt
- finales.ded
- maps.ded
- doom2-tnt.ded
- doom2.ded
- finales.ded
- flags.ded
- hacx
- fonts.ded
- hud.ded
- inlude.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materialenvironments.ded
- materials.ded
- menu.ded
- text.ded
- hacx.ded
- jdoom.ded
- objects.ded
- sounds.ded
- sprites.ded
- text.ded
- values.ded
- chex
- doc
- doxygen.css
- include
- acfnlink.h
- d_api.h
- d_config.h
- d_console.h
- d_englsh.h
- d_event.h
- d_items.h
- d_main.h
- d_player.h
- d_refresh.h
- d_think.h
- doomdata.h
- doomdef.h
- doomtype.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- info.h
- jdoom.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- oldinfo.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_local.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_oldsvg.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- r_defs.h
- st_stuff.h
- tables.h
- version.h
- wi_stuff.h
- jdoom.doxy
- res
- .gitignore
- jdoom.dll.manifest
- jdoom.ico
- jdoom.rc
- resource.h
- src
- acfnlink.c
- d_api.c
- d_console.c
- d_items.c
- d_main.c
- d_refresh.c
- g_ctrl.c
- m_cheat.c
- m_random.c
- p_enemy.c
- p_inter.c
- p_lights.c
- p_maputl.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_oldsvg.c
- p_pspr.c
- p_setup.c
- p_spec.c
- p_telept.c
- st_stuff.c
- tables.c
- wi_stuff.c
- api
- jdoom64
- api
- jdoom64.def
- config
- startup.cfg
- data
- conhelp.txt
- lumps
- m_thermm.lmp
- mapmask.lmp
- menufog.lmp
- pal18to8.lmp
- sndcurve.lmp
- defs
- anim.ded
- audio.ded
- d2_ogg_Audio.ded
- decorlights.ded
- finales.ded
- flags.ded
- fonts.ded
- jdoom64.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materials.ded
- objects.ded
- particles.ded
- skies.ded
- special.ded
- sprites.ded
- text.ded
- values.ded
- doc
- include
- acfnlink.h
- d_api.h
- d_config.h
- d_console.h
- d_englsh.h
- d_items.h
- d_main.h
- d_player.h
- d_refresh.h
- d_think.h
- doomdef.h
- doomtype.h
- dstrings.h
- g_ctrl.h
- g_game.h
- info.h
- jdoom64.h
- m_cheat.h
- m_random.h
- p_enemy.h
- p_inter.h
- p_lights.h
- p_maputl.h
- p_mobj.h
- p_pspr.h
- p_setup.h
- p_spec.h
- p_telept.h
- r_defs.h
- st_stuff.h
- tables.h
- version.h
- wi_stuff.h
- res
- .gitignore
- jdoom64.dll.manifest
- jdoom64.ico
- jdoom64.rc
- resource.h
- src
- acfnlink.c
- d_api.c
- d_console.c
- d_items.c
- d_main.c
- d_refresh.c
- g_ctrl.c
- m_cheat.c
- m_random.c
- p_enemy.c
- p_inter.c
- p_lights.c
- p_maputl.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_pspr.c
- p_setup.c
- p_spec.c
- p_telept.c
- st_stuff.c
- tables.c
- wi_stuff.c
- api
- jheretic
- api
- jheretic.def
- config
- startup.cfg
- data
- conhelp.txt
- lumps
- e2endpcx.lmp
- fonta00.lmp
- fonta60.lmp
- fonta61.lmp
- fonta62.lmp
- fonta63.lmp
- fontb00.lmp
- fontb59.lmp
- fontb60.lmp
- fontb61.lmp
- fontb62.lmp
- fontb63.lmp
- mapmask.lmp
- menufog.lmp
- pal18to8.lmp
- defs
- flags.ded
- fonts.ded
- heretic
- anim.ded
- finales.ded
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- materialenvironments.ded
- materials.ded
- heretic-ext.ded
- heretic-share.ded
- heretic.ded
- api
Renamed jdoom, jheretic, jhexen, and libdeng source folders
They are now called "doom", "heretic", "hexen", and "libdeng1".