



From 2008-12-02 to 2008-12-15


02:24 Revision d385c39b (github): Fixed missing bounding boxes when "rend-dev-mobj-bbox" = 1. constructBBox() was not returning the name of the display list used.
01:43 Revision bf08d8a2 (github): Fixed problem of texture gamma adjustments not working correctly on model skins with an alpha channel, or at all with hi-res TEXTUREs.
01:40 Revision 9007ee36 (github): Fixed crash when attempting to use the dsOpenAL plugin if built in Release mode via VC. Due to incorrect calling convention specified in dsopenal.vcproj.


22:38 Revision f3e05c98 (github): Fixed overflow of the fixed point sine and cosine tables in jHexen when a Minotaur charges.
19:34 Revision cb630e4b (github): Fixed crash when attempting to use the dsOpenAL plugin if built via VC. Due to incorrect calling convention specified in dsopenal.vcproj.
Also added a stub for DS_Getv. danij


08:52 Revision c3b8ecac (github): Added a couple of simple debugging aids for world vertexes.
Added cvar: "rend-dev-vertex-show-indices" 1=Enable drawing of vertex indices, for debug.
Added cvar: "rend-dev-verte...
08:45 Revision ad890153 (github): Added cvar: "rend-dev-surface-normals" 1=Enable drawing of world surface normals, for debug.
Fixed a couple of problems with the debug draw of world surface normals and then made available in non-debug builds. danij
08:14 Revision a672d1e6 (github): Added polyobj_t->subsector = ptr to the subsector in which the polyobj origin resides.
08:09 Revision f74e482e (github): Renamed ccmd "menucancel" to "menuback".


16:42 Revision 80cde069 (github): Fixed bug #2159521: Polyobjs completely missing under *nix. Yet again, this is due to the fact that public symbols are shared between engine and game libraries. As both the engine and jHexen had a PO_InitForMap, the game was actually calling the engine's copy and not it's own. We should try to do something about this as it is a recurring problem.
Also did some cleaning up. danij


07:17 Revision fe9f3a14 (github): Added jHexen: Random class selection via the menu when starting a new game.
Enhanced menu initialization to build the player class and episode selection menus dynamically.
Created text definiti...
07:03 Revision a145c110 (github): Fixed incorrect quit message in jHeretic and jHexen.
07:00 Revision 1c9f9891 (github): Fixed problem of non-animating water flat in jHeretic due to a typo.
06:59 Revision c2a9230b (github): Removed fixed limit on max message length in hu_msg.c::drawMessage, now that we take a copy of the message, we don't need to do this. Also fixed a problem with multi-line messages.
01:12 Revision 550b5a3b (github): Changed jHeretic: When the "extended" version of the IWAD is player, allow the sixth episode to be loaded in singleplayer mode via the menu. However, also display a warning message that this episode isn't designed for that game mode. I didn't even about know these maps until I "bumped into them" while doing other stuff.
Added Text definitions for a bunch more HUD/UI strings that shouldn't be hard-coded.
Fixed problem of missing "Quit G...


23:10 Revision 82f486f1 (github): Added a couple of missing semicolons in jheretic's maps.ded
22:12 Revision 7dbed689 (github): Changed jDoom/jHeretic: Moved the definitions for which music track to play on each map into the external (default) Map Info definitions.
Changed jDoom: Removed hardcoded limit on track numbers playable via the IDMUS cheat. Now all music tracks can be pla... danij
22:06 Revision 88c06411 (github): Clean up of the audio header files, all games.
16:08 Revision 144c11ce (github): Made the default Decoration definitions for glowing materials usable with external textures/flats.
03:42 Revision 659bd9b5 (github): Fixed: Hires textures, flats, patches and model skins were not affected by rend-tex-gamma.
03:12 Revision 70f17b13 (github): Fixed blending problem with HUD fog effect #4.
03:10 Revision e67a35a7 (github): Fixed rendlist state problem with multi-textured dynamic lights. Multi-textured for dynamic lights is now working once again.
02:20 Revision eb4b43f1 (github): Reinstated the fading of the HUD fog effect and fixed a problem with the menu not being closed after starting a new game in Nightmare! difficulty.
01:06 Revision 55e3e8f0 (github): Utilize the HUD type-in effect with messages.
00:46 Revision cca94f86 (github): Clean up.
00:32 Revision 28f7bdcc (github): Take a copy of the message to be displayed in Hu_MsgStart().


23:31 Revision 376b63ce (github): Numerous changes and fixes to get the menu and messages (not the log or chat widgets) working reliably again. Plus a other minor changes:
* Separated message drawing from the menu.
* Separated background fog effect the menu.
* Reordered the fallback respo...
23:12 Revision 135b793b (github): Fixed problem in SV_ReadSector which wasn't correctly interpreting archived materialnums.
23:10 Revision 42509c0f (github): Fixed potential segfault in renderWorldPoly due to an oversight.
06:38 Revision 1e9fb85f (github): Renamed hu_msg.c/h to hu_log.c/h
06:04 Revision 4ae29cb7 (github): Close the menu fast after saving.
05:50 Revision f47f9620 (github): Fixed (all games): When attempting to save the game whilst not in a map (e.g., during an intermission), the user would be told they can't save because they are dead. Instead, inform them that they can only save their progress whilst in a map.
05:46 Revision 622532e2 (github): References to the flags of a plane via DMU are actually references to the surface flags.
04:34 Revision fd58b3f9 (github): Implemented a simple protection mechanism to prevent the console bind context from being inadvertently deactivated by the user, via the console (heh). The result would otherwise be no way to quit Doomsday.
Added a few usage restriction flags to the various binding system console commands to prevent mods from messing with ... danij
03:52 Revision 1174a506 (github): Removed the old interfaces to the engine's binding and bind context management (obsolete).
03:37 Revision 47710abc (github): Moved the default event binding for opening/closing the menu to the "shortcut" context so that the menu can still be opened when the "game" context is inactive.
03:29 Revision 5cf5b271 (github): Re-termed "bind class" to "bind context" as this is far more descriptive of their purpose.
Renamed b_class.c/h to b_context.c/h accordingly. danij
03:21 Revision 6da75366 (github): Re-termed "bind class" to "bind context" as this is far more descriptive of their purpose.
02:24 Revision 845231d7 (github): Added missing defines for the (temporary) flags to flip materials horizontally/vertically, per-surface. These will disappear once per-surface material scaling is exposed via DMU.
SVN head should now be playable again. danij
01:44 Revision 4ad26d52 (github): Added: New sidedef flag "sdf_middle_stretch". Normally, height of the middle surface on twosided linedefs is clipped to that of the material used on it. If this flag is set, this behaviour is disabled (instead, the surface will stretch from floor to ceiling). This flag can be set via DMU and subsequently XG, using the ltc_wall_texture/ltc_wall_material class.
Implemented for jDoom64. When loading a DOOM64 format map, this flag will be set for all sidedefs automatically in li... danij
01:32 Revision 7d78858d (github): Continued work on revising the interface to RL_AddPoly. Everything is once again working other than the case of surfaces drawn with a modulation texture (first light on surface). For now, disable multi-textured lights "rend-light-multitex 0" until the problem is resolved.
* Revised world texture coordinate generation. Now uses the OpenGL texture matrix for the translation and scaling of ... danij
01:19 Revision e10e1017 (github): Changed: Removed requirement of one (or more) texture definitions during engine start up (PNAMES and TEXTURE1/2 lumps are no longer required).
01:03 Revision e139c32f (github): Changed global variable 'useModels' to byte (was int).
01:01 Revision 1665c643 (github): Split surface flags into public and engine-internal flag sets. The public per-surface flags can now be accessed via DMU and are included in game saves.
00:53 Revision 3790f48b (github): Moved sidedef blending flag definitions from xg.ded to flags.ded (they can be set using DMU).
00:47 Revision c538baba (github): Moved sidedef flag definitions from p_xgline.h to dd_share.h
00:43 Revision df0fe3ce (github): Added: Cvar "rend-dev-nosprite" 1= Display drawing of sprites and masked walls. Not archived.
00:38 Revision 5fec1e6f (github): Moved the automap display list update back to AM_Drawer and implemented a short delay timer to prevent overly frequent updates.
00:36 Revision 21714758 (github): Register all the various DOOM64 map format properties in jDoom64. Rudimentary implementation for converting the sector LIGHT definitions to Doomsday's surface colors.


23:49 Revision 00957ea2 (github): Changed: Any material can now be flagged as "sky-masking" resolving the previous limitation which allowed only one material and it had to be a flat. Needed for jDoom64 which has no flats and has multiple sky mask textures.

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