


Chronological features

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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Created
2469 Feature New Normal NVIDIA RTX Ray Tracing Support Deng Team 2022-08-30 04:21
2465 Feature New Normal Keeping arsenal in coop Deng Team 2021-10-23 18:36
2453 Feature New Normal head bobbing model.weapon.* simple scale factor Deng Team 2021-03-15 02:17
2449 Feature New Normal FBX LOD skyjake 2021-02-17 00:19
2439 Feature New Normal Copy/paste to/from clipboard in the command prompt Deng Team 2021-01-03 07:22
2413 Feature New High [MP] Configure what the server does after a timeout when no clients connected skyjake 2020-02-05 07:19
2403 Feature New Normal User-provided particle texture flipbook (atlas) skyjake 2020-01-17 19:57
2393 Feature New Normal Map selection UI for Master Levels for Doom II (Episode with additional packages) skyjake 2020-01-03 06:44
2392 Feature New Normal Sky-lit sectors should not be dimmer than non-sky-lit sectors with equivalent light level skyjake 2020-01-01 17:04
2335 Feature New Normal [Shell] Command line option for opening connection to a server address 2019-06-24 14:41
2390 Feature New Normal [FMOD] Ogg Vorbis custom loop point tags skyjake 2019-12-31 11:00
2320 Feature New Normal Re-enable XG dummy line 2019-01-24 20:06
1986 Feature New High [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends skyjake 2015-03-02 08:52
1668 Feature New Normal Support id Tech 1 map hacks with sector lightlevels outside expected [0..255] range 2013-11-25 21:13
2434 Feature New Normal CHEX3 v1.4 Deng Team 2020-11-05 17:21
2433 Feature New Normal HACX 2.0r61 Deng Team 2020-11-05 17:15
2430 Feature New Normal Add support for official addon PWADs Deng Team 2020-09-17 14:25
2423 Feature New Normal Support something like mDNS / Avahi / Bonjour protocol for local server auto discovery Deng Team 2020-05-10 07:35
1658 Feature New High Automatic port forwarding (UPnP/NAT-PMP/PCP) skyjake 2013-11-07 10:05
2420 Feature New Normal Heretic: new visual effects, light decorations and particle generators Deng Team 2020-04-18 00:55
2160 Feature Progressed Low Custom screenshader support and profiles Deng Team 2016-05-21 21:56
2407 Feature New Normal "follow / no follow" in the automap settings Deng Team 2020-01-28 01:23
2394 Feature New Normal Episodes defined in game profile Deng Team 2020-01-05 09:00
2395 Feature New Normal Exporting and importing game profiles (files and Deng Team 2020-01-05 09:07
2391 Feature New Normal [SDL_mixer] Decode Ogg Vorbis manually and use custom loop points for playback Deng Team 2019-12-31 11:04
2387 Feature New Normal [Heretic] Sector floor cannot be lowered if a tall monster is stuck in the ceiling of the sector (compatibility option) Deng Team 2019-12-31 09:23
1648 Feature Progressed Urgent Complete vanilla DOOM emulation 2013-11-02 14:26
2304 Feature New Normal OGG/FLAC custom loop tags skyjake 2018-12-13 10:08
2383 Feature New Normal Stereo rendering convergence setting Deng Team 2019-12-27 14:41
2377 Feature New Lowest [Hexen] Option for monster respawn rate Deng Team 2019-12-24 06:35
1539 Feature Progressed Normal Armor, powerups (object status) controls 3D model representation skyjake 2011-06-18 00:09
1585 Feature Progressed Normal [Map Hack] Extra plane (e.g., Hell Revealed II MAP01) 2013-09-10 02:22
1603 Feature Progressed Urgent Support for id Tech 1 map hacks 2013-10-18 14:05
1851 Feature New Normal [UI] Dynamic release notes 2014-08-08 13:46
2355 Feature New Normal Build must fail on macOS notarization error Deng Team 2019-11-30 08:03
1768 Feature Progressed High Boom compatibility 2014-04-18 08:39
1622 Feature New Urgent Vanilla depth shading 2013-10-22 07:46
390 Feature New Low Alignpitch/yaw flags for model particles 2007-01-03 14:52
2015 Feature Progressed Normal Remove server-side audio system 2015-04-22 05:37
1996 Feature Progressed High Engine-managed "map spot / point of interest" mechanism 2015-03-13 15:53
1844 Feature New Normal Support ZDoom's skill definitions in MAPINFO 2014-07-17 17:17
1840 Feature Progressed Normal Support ZDoom-extended MAPINFO format 2014-07-17 16:54
1471 Feature New Normal Standard definitions should conform to vanilla 2008-09-24 10:02
1325 Feature Progressed High Boom line types and sectors 2004-02-08 22:03
1640 Feature Progressed Normal Support for id Tech 1 audio/graphic resource hacks 2013-10-24 08:22
1541 Feature Progressed High Joystick axis settings (sensitivity, max speed) 2011-06-28 23:32
2289 Feature New Normal Filtering game profiles in Home using search terms skyjake 2018-10-27 19:07
1513 Feature New Low Examples with escaped quotes in context help for ccmd alias skyjake 2010-03-31 13:45
1511 Feature New Low List all cheats in context help for ccmd cheat 2010-03-31 13:19
1183 Feature New Normal Default values printed with "help" 2003-06-13 10:52
(1-50/264) Per page: 50, 250, 400

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