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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated % Done
2160 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed Low Custom screenshader support and profiles Deng Team 2020-02-04 21:49

1625 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed Urgent Per-pixel surface shading (bump/specular/reflection etc. mapping) Deng Team 2016-07-06 00:03

1620 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed High XG 2.0 Deng Team 2019-11-29 19:05

2455 Doomsday Engine Bug Resolved Normal rpm package requires but Fedora 33 provides only Deng Team 2021-11-20 00:26

2025 Doomsday Engine Bug Progressed Normal Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD rhargrave 2019-11-29 21:57

2463 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Game controllers skyjake 2021-09-02 23:15

2458 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal 2.3.1 stable: changing audio backend while game is running hangs doomsday skyjake 2021-04-29 11:32

2456 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Stable 2.3.1 linux: audio output is not saved skyjake 2021-04-14 19:27

2451 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal ringing sound skyjake 2021-02-18 07:25

2449 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal FBX LOD skyjake 2021-02-17 21:38

2444 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal doom2-nerve: misaligned textures on map05 skyjake 2021-01-14 11:30

2443 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [3.0] External textures load process ignores game id subfolders skyjake 2021-01-14 07:59

2440 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [2.3] Render Hack Regressions skyjake 2021-01-24 10:20

2435 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Plutonia: invisible bridges: wrong floor texture placement skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2432 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Hexen: Heresiarch is very fast on Chantry (HEXDD) skyjake 2020-12-07 15:34

2413 Doomsday Engine Feature New High [MP] Configure what the server does after a timeout when no clients connected skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27

2404 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal REKKR compatibility issues skyjake 2020-01-22 06:33

2403 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal User-provided particle texture flipbook (atlas) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27

2399 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [Render hack] TNT map21: Transparent doors skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2393 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Map selection UI for Master Levels for Doom II (Episode with additional packages) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27

2392 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Sky-lit sectors should not be dimmer than non-sky-lit sectors with equivalent light level skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27

2390 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [FMOD] Ogg Vorbis custom loop point tags skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27

2386 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [Render hack] Alien Vendetta map09: Arched upper textures (facing an unclosed sector) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2382 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Recognizing IWAD/PWAD files with more accuracy (using CRC-32) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2376 Doomsday Engine Bug In Progress Low Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora skyjake 2021-10-10 22:20

2367 Doomsday Engine Bug New Low [Unix] If directory "/usr/share/doomsday/data" exists, core packages not found skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2363 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Light Amplification powerup doesn't affect psprite 3D models skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2350 Doomsday Engine Bug New Low [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1 skyjake 2020-01-03 06:48

2334 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Client should load server's data files when connecting via command line skyjake 2019-12-01 22:34

2328 Doomsday Engine Bug New Low Not all official releases of IWADs are recognized (e.g., older than v1.9) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2310 Doomsday Engine Bug New Low [UI] Metadata text wrapping: should force-break very long words in Package Info popup skyjake 2019-12-01 22:25

2308 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [UI] Package tags need to wrap to multiple lines skyjake 2019-12-01 22:23

2304 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal OGG/FLAC custom loop tags skyjake 2019-12-31 11:05

2298 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Upgrade Assimp to latest 4.x version skyjake 2019-10-27 20:13

2289 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Filtering game profiles in Home using search terms skyjake 2019-11-29 22:50

2286 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Editing all global Doomsday key bindings skyjake 2018-10-12 19:45

2281 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Apply Values in Hexen skyjake 2019-11-29 12:31

2265 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [Windows] Improved fullscreen Alt-Tab / focus lost behavior skyjake 2018-10-27 16:03

2262 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [Hexen] Quest switches in Griffin Chapel aren't working skyjake 2020-04-03 00:22

2253 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal [Doom] Arch-vile sprite disappears when resurrecting a monster skyjake 2018-10-27 16:09

2239 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal HUD Frost shards from XARP changing their Zoffset if instantly fire after switching skyjake 2017-04-10 21:01

2236 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Hitscan issues skyjake 2018-10-27 16:09

2235 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Afrits sometimes become invisible when frozen skyjake 2019-12-01 22:27

2233 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Fov 160 issues with texture filtering skyjake 2018-10-27 16:08

2209 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Materials do not get correctly reset when loading/unloading data files while a game is loaded skyjake 2019-10-14 10:31

2192 Doomsday Engine Feature New Low Procedural images generated based on a text file (.deimage) skyjake 2017-03-04 09:25

2184 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Keyboard navigation: bindable controls skyjake 2016-11-20 14:48

2159 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Enhanced control over model animation sequences skyjake 2016-05-13 14:03

2153 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Modern multiplayer chat UI skyjake 2018-07-29 16:56

2094 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Incorrect "Pillar-Door Statue" model direction in some cases in Heretic skyjake 2017-04-03 13:39

(401-450/502) Per page: 50, 250, 400

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