Bug #945
Console resize shortcut also scrolls the text up/down
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The console resize shortcut (shift and pgup/dn) also scrolls the console text up/down, presumably because pgup/dn are the shortcut key's for doing this.
Labels: Console
Updated by danij about 14 years ago
I have not been able to reproduce this behaviour. Can you give a more detailed explanation of what to you think isn't working correctly?
Updated by vermil about 14 years ago
When I press shift and pgup to resize the console, it also scrolls the text up by a line.
It's interpreting my pressing shift and pgup and my pressing pgup as two seperate commands.
Updated by danij about 14 years ago
The console resizing appears to be working as intended for me. Lets rule out any configuration and control binding issues; make a backup of all cfg files and then delete the originals, now start Doomsday and see if the issue persists.