Bug #884
Heretic E3M4: teleport to E3M9: free pointer without ZONEID
Heretic E3M4 (the azure fortress): entering the teleport to the secret level E3M9 makes a screen "now entering" without any title or arrow (like deng doesn't know new level's title), and (after clicking on "now entering" screen) deng crashes with
P_LoadMap: "E3M10"
ERROR Z_Free: Attempt to free pointer without ZONEID.
Note that above suggests that deng tries to load E3M10, not E3M9 --- possibly this is the cause of all the problems?
100% reproducible here. Attaching screenshots showing the location of the teleport (heretic-001.jpg, heretic-002.jpg), savegame right before entering the teleport (HticSav1.hsg), and full console log (doomsday_heretix.txt).
Using instead the normal exit to non-secret E3M5 (the ophidian lair) works fine.
Using cheat code "engage39" works fine also.
I also tested inside dosbox, running original DOS heretic with the same wad, and it doesn't crash --- I go to the E3M9 called "the aquifer".
This is on Linux i386, doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.8-lenny2, jheretic 1.4.7.
Installed from Debian Lenny repository on http://www.dengine.net/linux, although my actual system is mostly Debian squeeze (testing).
OpenGL is fglrx 8.12 (last working fglrx for ATI Mobility Radeon X1600).
Labels: jHeretic
Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to make this excellent quality report. However this is already a known issue (duplicate of http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2926459&group_id=74815&atid=542099) and has since been addressed for the 1.9.0-Beta6.9 release.