Bug #884
Heretic E3M4: teleport to E3M9: free pointer without ZONEID
Heretic E3M4 (the azure fortress): entering the teleport to the secret level E3M9 makes a screen "now entering" without any title or arrow (like deng doesn't know new level's title), and (after clicking on "now entering" screen) deng crashes with
P_LoadMap: "E3M10"
ERROR Z_Free: Attempt to free pointer without ZONEID.
Note that above suggests that deng tries to load E3M10, not E3M9 --- possibly this is the cause of all the problems?
100% reproducible here. Attaching screenshots showing the location of the teleport (heretic-001.jpg, heretic-002.jpg), savegame right before entering the teleport (HticSav1.hsg), and full console log (doomsday_heretix.txt).
Using instead the normal exit to non-secret E3M5 (the ophidian lair) works fine.
Using cheat code "engage39" works fine also.
I also tested inside dosbox, running original DOS heretic with the same wad, and it doesn't crash --- I go to the E3M9 called "the aquifer".
This is on Linux i386, doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.8-lenny2, jheretic 1.4.7.
Installed from Debian Lenny repository on http://www.dengine.net/linux, although my actual system is mostly Debian squeeze (testing).
OpenGL is fglrx 8.12 (last working fglrx for ATI Mobility Radeon X1600).
Labels: jHeretic
#1 Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
#2 Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
#3 Updated by kambi almost 15 years ago
#4 Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to make this excellent quality report. However this is already a known issue (duplicate of http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2926459&group_id=74815&atid=542099) and has since been addressed for the 1.9.0-Beta6.9 release.