


Bug #832

[Rotating Polyobjs] collision bug in Shadow Wood

Added by roflcopter2 about 15 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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This is a comeback of an old bug which I reported where I would get to the Seven Portals from the Bright Crucible, the talking door would be open, but I wouldn't be able to leave because the door collision would be still there.
This time, I loaded a savegame which I had from the previous version, I was at the boss level of the Shadow Woods, got back to Shadow Wood from there, and I couldn't return to the boss level because the door there was open, but the collision was still there. This could or could not be an error specific to the saved game, I remember that it worked on the previous release, and unfortunately I don't have the save game in which this happened anymore, I'll get you the closest to it which is still on the boss level but a few minutes before. Oops, unfortunately I'm unable to find out which file is the save game I'm looking for, I used to be able to find the save name amongst the characters on notepad opening the files in hxndata but I can't find it anymore.

Labels: jHexen Gameplay


#1 Updated by danij about 15 years ago

Without your saved game data there is not much we can do about this.

#2 Updated by roflcopter2 about 15 years ago

What is the general filename of the save files on the hxndata folder?

#3 Updated by jimigrey about 15 years ago

I've found out that all rotating polyobject doors become "closed", if they're open while going to another map and then returning. Loading a saved game does it too.

#4 Updated by arclore about 15 years ago

I have a theory.

I've noticed that this bug seems to correspond with errors logged to the in-game console and doomsday.out:

"P_MapInitPolyobjs: Warning: Multiple polyobjs in a single subsector
(ssec xxx, sector yyy). Previous polyobj overridden."

What if the engine is trying to load a polyobject for the open door AND the closed door at the same time? Hence two polyobjects in the same subsector?

Or, perhaps the open polyobject is intentionally loaded after the closed version, with the expectation that it will supplant it. Except some collision data isn't freed correctly. I don't know the technicalities so I might be blowing smoke here.

Conversely, I've noticed that you can walk through some of the rotating doors in Seven Portals when they're closed. Possibly unrelated.

PS. I'm a little more familiar with the Half-Life format. Is a polyobject roughly equivalent to a brush entity?

#5 Updated by danij about 15 years ago

I'm going to assume that this is the same issue as this:

Please re-try this upon release of 1.9.0-beta6.9 If its not the same issue then please re-open this report.

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