Bug #782
[Hexen] Saved games: Segment [107] failed alignment check
I just recently reinstalled doomsday engine to add jDoom which I didn't have installed, I had a save game on the Wastelands on Hexen and other just a little bit before. Now I can load them and play them, but as soon as I try to return to Shadow Wood (no matter from which level), I get this error:
convertMap: Successful.
R_InitLinks: Initializing
PO_InitForMap: Initializing polyobjects.
Load ACS scripts
Corrupt save game: Segment [107] failed alignment check
Not sure if the reinstall had anything to do with it, but it's there...
Labels: jHexen
Updated by arclore over 15 years ago
I've done some experimentation and I think I've isolated the source. Off the ruins area, near the portal to Caves of Circe, there's a room that undergoes a "heave" - some sector floors surge up, some fall away and some sector ceilings lower. In the far corner is a switch that partially restores the floor, making it less dangerous.
A save immediately before activating the switch loads, but a save immediately after shows the "corrupt save game: segment [107]" error. Fortunately, AFAIK it is not absolutely essential to push this switch to proceed.
Updated by vermil about 15 years ago
If one saves a game while a script is moving sectors (another example is the moving ice around the steel key in the Guardian of Ice), it will produce a corrupted save game that will crash the latest Dday 1.9 betas with this error message..
Updated by danij about 15 years ago
"Varius" has reported in forum about a similar problem except that the segment alignment check is stating that 111 failed. See here:
Clearly there is something fundamentally amiss in the Hexen save code. Is it worth fixing now though, given that the save system will be replaced entirely for beta7?
Updated by skyjake about 15 years ago
Better late than never...