Bug #769
Warping from map with hub exit to another hub plays anim
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In HeXen, using Beta6.6, if you use the map cheat on a map which features post map text, to warp to a higher map, said post map text is displayed.
Labels: Data
Updated by vermil over 15 years ago
If you use the map warp cheat from the final level of a hub to go to a later level, the ending text of the hub you have just warped from is displayed. Closing said text will then take you to the level you entered with the cheat.
For instance, say you try to warp from Map12 (Hypostyle), the final level of hub2, to say Map28 (Menelkir's Tomb), one of the tomb maps on hub5, you will first be presented with hub2's ending text before you go to Map28.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.8
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Can you please elaborate on this report as I'm unsure as to what you are referring to.