Bug #731
Spider Mastermind boss missing from E3M8
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Spider Mastermind doesn't appear/spawn on map E3M8. May only be specific to Ultimate Doom IWAD (two have said it's in Ultimate Doom). See doomsday.out snippet [Verbose Level 2] at original thread: http://www.dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=75
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by sonicdoommario over 15 years ago
Yeah, only happens in Ultimate Doom based games. Doom II was fine.
Updated by jonusc over 15 years ago
Well Doom 2 doesn't even have an E3M8, my Doom II memory is a bit sketchy but I dont think the Mastermind in 2 has any scripting on it unlike Doom 1. What I ment was I don't know if the bug is only with Doom Ultimate or also with original Doom [Ultimate is Doom 1 with the extra Episode 4] - I only have the Ultimate Doom IWAD to test.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.5