Bug #578
line_type act sound
In Beta5, when line_type is called to change an xg line def to another, that has a player use activation requirement, you incorrectly here the new lines act sound, if it has one, when it changes.
Labels: XG
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Seems to work just fine for me.
Try this:
Create a new jDoom test map with a few sectors and a player start.
Pick a twosided linedef that will act as the trigger and set the type to #4000 and tag #1
Pick another twosided linedef that will be activated by the first line, give it tag #1
Create a new DED and add the following
Line Type {
ID = 4000;
Class = line_type;
Flags = player_cross;
Flags2 = when_act | any;
Count = 1;
Target Ref = "lref_line_tagged";
Target Num = 1;
Line Type = 4001;
Line Type {
ID = 4001;
Class = none;
Flags = player_cross;
Flags2 = when_act | any;
Count = -1;
Act sound = "swtchn";
Load both with Doomsday and test. The trigger line should not make any sound when crossed. The target line will only make a sound once activated by the trigger line.