Bug #574
Duplicate key hud messages
A little oversight bug in the original Doom that is carried over to Doomsday.
If you pick up a duplicate of a key colour you already own, no hud message is displayed.
Taking a guess, I'd say the part of the code that displays the hud message is placed after the code that returns false if the player already has the key. When it should be placed before.
Labels: jDoom
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Is there really any need to inform the player about picking up a duplicate key?
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Vermil informs me that he is in fact referring to the case of e.g., picking up a red skullkey after a red keycard and the user not being informed about the red skullkey. We need to treat all keys uniquely other than when it comes to determining the access rights to doors/lifts/switches and the original game logic dictates we group them by colour.
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Fixed in SVN for Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6