Bug #526
undefined symbol: isnumber
yagisan@doomguy:~/.deng$ /opt/deng/bin/doomsday -game jdoom -iwad /home/yagisan/wads/iwads/doom2.wad -wnd
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
determineGlobalPaths: Base path = /opt/deng/share/deng/
Con_Init: Initializing the console.
Executable: Version 1.9.svn-trunk-devel +R Jul 24 2008 (DGL).
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using SDL window management.
While opening dynamic library
/opt/deng/lib/libjdoom.so: undefined symbol: isnumber
loadGamePlugin: Loading of libjdoom.so failed ((null)).
Error loading game library.Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
In svn revision 5844 Skyjake added the isnumber call to line 364 of plugins/common/src/m_ctrl.c
Was this meant to be a call to isdigit from ctypes.h ??
Updated by skyjake over 16 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Yeah, isdigit would've been better, but like the TODO says I'm going to rewrite that anyway today.