Bug #520
D'sparil teleport crash
If D'sparil teleports and then tries to teleport again before he has left the sector that contained the teleport spot he just teleported to, Dday will freeze with no error message.
Tested in both 1.8.6 and 1.9 Beta5. Both have this bug.
Labels: jHeretic Gameplay
Updated by danij over 16 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I presume this problem is in a PWAD which either has only one bossspot or all of them are arranged in such a way that there is a position on the map where D'sparil can be within 128 units from all of them at the same time? The logic in P_DSparilTeleport will then put the game into an infinite loop and thus you won't get any error message.
To avoid the possibility of this I have implemented a forced break of this loop once all bosspots have been checked and found unsuitable.
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6