Bug #493
Plane move issue
ltc_plane_move commands don't seem to work if in a chain script.
As for the basic description. Dani said it was clear enough :p
Labels: XG
Updated by danij over 16 years ago
This and a lot of the other current issues with XG since the switch to DMU is due to the fact that the dummy linedef used by the chain sequence does not have any sidedefs thus most subsequent DMU calls fail leading to erroneous results.
Perhaps I'm missing something but what is the reason for chain_sequence lines using a dummy in the first place? Unless the linetype is a purely virtual one (as in it doesn't exist in the map and is used with a ticker) then there will always be a real linedef.
Currently with DMU, dummy lines do not have sidedefs nor is it possible to allocate and link to it dummy ones.
Updated by danij about 14 years ago
Fixed for the upcoming 1.9.0-beta6.10