Feature #390
Alignpitch/yaw flags for model particles
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% Done:
The alignpitch flag, which is used to make the soulsphere model look nice does not function on a model when it is used as a particle object.
The importance of having this work cant be stressed enough, since there is otherwise no way of implementing advanced particle effects.
Labels: Graphics
Related issues
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to 3DModel, Particles
- Subject changed from alignpitch/yaw does not function on model particles to Alignpitch/yaw flags don't work on model particles
- Category set to Defect
Presumably needed for creating billboard-like particle models?
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Rendering
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Subject changed from Alignpitch/yaw flags don't work on model particles to Alignpitch/yaw flags for model particles
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #1699: Particle renderer 2.0 added