


Bug #2446

[Heretic] Sky texture is stretched and only partially visible

Added by skyjake about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




It appears there is a regression in the sky renderer (or sky definitions) of Heretic that cause the sky texture to be only partially visible.

The sky appears normal in Doom, but Heretic's sky textures are taller.

Normal.jpg (504 KB) Normal.jpg Correct sky appearance skyjake, 2021-01-31 15:00
Doomsday.jpg (508 KB) Doomsday.jpg Sky regression skyjake, 2021-01-31 15:00

Related issues

Related to Bug #2447: [Hexen] Sky texture is not tall enoughResolved2021-02-01

Associated revisions

Revision cc7a8622 (diff)
Added by skyjake about 4 years ago

Fixed|Heretic: Sky textures are incorrectly sized

The SKY* patches in Heretic are 200 pixels tall even though the texture is declared as 128 pixels tall. The extra height is supposed to make the sky extend upward to facilitate looking up. However, for some reason only Composite::dimensions() is updated to account for this extended height, and not Composite::logicalDimensions(). If both are updated, skyfix walls appear as black in DOOM (for an unknown reason). Therefore, apply a hacky workaround that uses the true composite dimensions for sky textures only.

IssueID #2446

Revision b9de8545 (diff)
Added by skyjake about 4 years ago

Fixed|Heretic: Sky textures are incorrectly sized

The SKY* patches in Heretic are 200 pixels tall even though the texture is declared as 128 pixels tall. The extra height is supposed to make the sky extend upward to facilitate looking up. However, for some reason only Composite::dimensions() is updated to account for this extended height, and not Composite::logicalDimensions(). If both are updated, skyfix walls appear as black in DOOM (for an unknown reason). Therefore, apply a hacky workaround that uses the true composite dimensions for sky textures only.

IssueID #2446

  1. Conflicts:
  2. doomsday/apps/libdoomsday/src/resource/textures.cpp


#1 Updated by skyjake about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#2 Updated by skyjake about 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #2447: [Hexen] Sky texture is not tall enough added

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