Feature #2304
OGG/FLAC custom loop tags
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Support for custom loop tags enabling the playback of music files designed to be looped in a specific way.
Updated by skyjake about 6 years ago
- Subject changed from OGG/FLAC custom loop targs to OGG/FLAC custom loop tags
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.3.x to 2.3
Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
Did some research. It appears the loop tags should be easy to parse from the .ogg file (UTF-8 strings in the comments), however the playback aspect is a bit trickier.
- FMOD has support for setting loop start/end by sample.
It is unclear if the sound plays from the beginning and then continues looping within the range — should try it out. - SDL_mixer does not support looping. There is a custom fork called SDL Mixer X that adds support for looping. It would be preferable to use the original SDL_mixer and decode the Ogg audio manually using libvorbis, for instance.
Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
- Target version deleted (