Bug #2251
Crash after an error occurs, instead of graceful exit
In many situations where Doomsday should report a fatal error message and shut down nicely, it instead just crashes. This happens particularly when the busy worker thread encounters an error.
Associated revisions
Fixed|Client|libcore|libappfw: More graceful fatal errors
A fatal error should not crash the engine, just pop up an error message.
Client's BusyRunner was ignoring the busy worker abort notification.
Now it causes the busy worker to be instantly killed.
While a fatal error message is displayed the main game is window
is just hidden, not deleted. Deleting everything while the objects
are in use is not a great idea.
IssueID #2251
Updated by skyjake over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Crash after an error occurs to Crash after an error occurs, instead of graceful exit
Updated by skyjake over 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Updated by skyjake over 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
Fixed|Client|libcore|libappfw: More graceful fatal errors
A fatal error should not crash the engine, just pop up an error message.
Client's BusyRunner was ignoring the busy worker abort notification.
Now it causes the busy worker to be instantly killed.
While a fatal error message is displayed the main game is window
is just hidden, not deleted. Deleting everything while the objects
are in use is not a great idea.
IssueID #2251