Bug #2222
Music not working right on Deathkings (1.0)
I am using Doomsday 2.0RC on Fedora 25. When I start deathkings of the dark citadel (Hexen expansion pack) the music plays correctly on the menu screen (same music used for menu on Hexen) however when starting the game, there is no music. If I play Hexen, the music is there.
Related issues
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
Please check which version of HEXDD.WAD you are using: http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/HEXDD.WAD
For me, the v1.1 WAD plays music as expected.
Updated by vermil almost 8 years ago
Indeed, HeXen DK was accidently released with a lump missing from it's Iwad, that meant no midi music worked (1.0). Raven proceeded to release a patch that corrected this (1.1).
I admit that I haven't double checked/looked into it for a very long time, but in years past I often raised with Deng Team, the idea that DDay could somehow automatically compensate for the lack of this lump in 1.0, as adding this lump is the only thing the 1.1 patch does (the rest of the Iwad is completely unchanged).
Updated by aha2940 almost 8 years ago
I was indeed using version 1.0. Patched it and now it works fine. Thanks!
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Music not working right on Deathkings to Music not working right on Deathkings (1.0)
- Status changed from New to Closed
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Tags set to Hexen, Music
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Tags changed from Hexen, Music to Hexen, Music, Deathkings
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #2053: [HeXen DK] Automatically handle version 1.0 lack of SNDINFO added