


Bug #2064

Bugs in HeXen Multiplayer

Added by vermil almost 10 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:



This is parent issue for Hexen MP related bugs.

I wasn't sure I should make separate issues for each of these and I debate that some of them might actually be caused by similar issues. Hence the simple subject title.

This is sort of a log of known issues in HeXen MP, as I know HeXen MP has deliberately been left untouched since the new MP code (i.e that Doom and Heretic have received all the focus so far).

Non-missile based mobj spawning is broken; there are lot's of examples of this one that include:
  • Afrit's visually disappear when they spawn, leaving behind a solid un-interactive version of themselves where they spawned (appears to correct itself if one disconnects and re-connects). They only re-appear when they make an attack.
  • Pot's spawn duplicates of themselves upon destruction that can be pushed around, but not re-destroyed (appears to correct itself if one disconnects and re-connects). Both the item potentially inside the pot and the pot fragments appears to spawn correctly though.

Flying bad guys (Afrits, Dark Bishops, Reivers) become visually stuck in their last attack sprite after making an attack, though they seem to behave as normal.

Console cheats aren't disabled; I used this to test the below.

  • All timed artefacts run out in a few seconds
  • Wings of Wrath run out after a few seconds
  • Panic mode causes a client to seg fault
  • Inventory always resets to first item after any inventory item is used
  • Attempting to use a puzzle item in the wrong place leads to a used successfully sound effect and hud effect, though the item doesn't appear to be wrongly used
  • Choas Device, Boots of speed and Bracers do nothing when used
  • Dark Servant doesn't always disappear/appear correctly


Bug #2054: [MP] No weapon pickup notification in HexenNew

Bug #2152: [Hexen] Afrits become stuck/invincible in multiplayerNew

Related issues

Related to Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubledNew2015-02-11


#1 Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago

  • Tags set to hexen, multiplayer

#2 Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago

I'm not sure this is going to be a very 'technical' list :p

Dark Bishops visually only fire one missile, though the full stream appears to be launched with the rest of the missiles being invisible.

Centaurs entering their defence state often causes them to disappear/leave un-interactive duplicates like flying bad guys.

Poison clouds don't update the players health, though they still appear to do damage and kill the player.

#3 Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago

The game may be spawning all the mobjs for all classes in MP;

Given that there are occasions where multiple MP flagged mobjs are placed on top of each other (such as behind the stained glass windows on Herisarch's Seminary), but set to appear for different classes, suggests that Vanilla HeXen may have only spawned the mobjs of the host players class?

#4 Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago

To elaborate a little more on the cheat code issue; god mode and give appear to be accepted, though noclip has no effect despite the hud message indicating success appearing.

#5 Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago

The vampire effect of the Cleric's Serpent Staff appears to not work on flying bad guys, only the duplicates that are spawned when they are initially alerted (contrary to what I said above, all flying bad guys appear to spawn duplicates on activating, not just Afrits).

The Fighters mystic ambient doesn't seem to work. The Clerics at least appears to heal ones self.

#6 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from [HeXen Multiplayer] Bugs to Bugs in HeXen Multiplayer
  • Category set to Defect

#7 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Related to Bug #2054: [MP] No weapon pickup notification in Hexen added

#8 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Related to Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubled added

#9 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#10 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Bug #2054: [MP] No weapon pickup notification in Hexen)

#11 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubled)

#12 Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago

  • Related to Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubled added

#13 Updated by skyjake almost 9 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.1 (Late 2018)

#14 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.1 (Late 2018) to Multiplayer

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