Bug #201
Multiple Flechette bug
It's been noted by myself and others on the New
Doom/Source Ports/Doomsday forum that a bug may
exist within the latest version of JHexen.
The bug takes the form of a player launching multiple
flechettes. Hitting the key to lauch them results in a
random number of flechettes being thrown, the number
varies from one to four. This does not appear to be
related to individual keyboards, or other user errors, as
others have also experienced this.
This problem has also been noted to occur when using
the Dark Servant powerup.
Labels: jHexen
Updated by skyjake about 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
I can't reproduce this bug.
Is your FPS below 35? Have you changed keybindings for throwing
the flechette? Does the bug occur in a clean default installation?
Updated by zachkeene about 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
I'm getting this too with latest CVS on Linux. But yes, it
only seems to happen when my FPS drops too low (not terribly
difficult on my old machine :).
These are my Hexen keybindings, but I don't think they're
the problem:
bind left "-left" "viewsize
bind +left "+left"
bind -right "-right"
bind +right "+right"
bind -up "-forward"
bind +up "+forward"
bind -down "-backward"
bind +down "+backward"
bind -, "-strafel"
bind +, "+strafel"
bind -. "-strafer"
bind +. "+strafer"
bind -/ "-jump"
bind +/ "+jump"
bind -MB3 "-jump"
bind +MB3 "+jump"
bind -JB5 "-jump"
bind +JB5 "+jump"
bind -ctrl "-fire"
bind +ctrl "+fire"
bind -MB1 "-fire"
bind +MB1 "+fire"
bind -JB1 "-fire"
bind +JB1 "+fire"
bind -space "-use"
bind +space "+use"
bind -JB4 "-use"
bind +JB4 "+use"
bind -alt "-strafe"
bind +alt "+strafe"
bind -MB2 "-strafe"
bind +MB2 "+strafe"
bind -JB2 "-strafe"
bind +JB2 "+strafe"
bind -shift "-speed"
bind +shift "+speed"
bind -JB3 "-speed"
bind +JB3 "+speed"
bind -pgup "-flyup"
bind +pgup "+flyup"
bind -JB8 "-flyup"
bind +JB8 "+flyup"
bind -ins "-flydown"
bind +ins "+flydown"
bind -JB9 "-flydown"
bind +JB9 "+flydown"
bind -home "-falldown"
bind +home "+falldown"
bind -pgdown "-lookup"
bind +pgdown "+lookup"
bind -JB6 "-lookup"
bind +JB6 "+lookup"
bind -del "-lookdown"
bind +del "+lookdown"
bind -JB7 "-lookdown"
bind +JB7 "+lookdown"
bind -end "-lookcntr"
bind +end "+lookcntr"
bind -enter "-usearti"
bind +enter "+usearti"
bind -m "-mlook"
bind +m "+mlook"
bind -j "-jlook"
bind +j "+jlook"
bind -1 "-weapon1"
bind +1 "+weapon1"
bind -2 "-weapon2"
bind +2 "+weapon2"
bind -3 "-weapon3"
bind +3 "+weapon3"
bind -4 "-weapon4"
bind +4 "+weapon4"
bind -bkspc "-panic"
bind +bkspc "+panic"
bind -\ "-health"
bind +\ "+health"
bind -9 "-blast"
bind +9 "+blast"
bind -8 "-teleport"
bind +8 "+teleport"
bind -7 "-teleothr"
bind +7 "+teleothr"
bind -0 "-poison"
bind +0 "+poison"
bind -5 "-cantdie"
bind +5 "+cantdie"
bind -6 "-egg"
bind +6 "+egg"
bind -o "-demostop"
bind +o "+demostop"
bind +f1 "infoscreen"
bind +f3 "loadgame"
bind +f2 "savegame"
bind +f4 "soundmenu"
bind +f5 "suicide"
bind +f6 "quicksave"
bind +f7 "endgame"
bind +f8 "togglemsgs"
bind +f9 "quickload"
bind +f10 "quit"
bind +f11 "togglegamma"
bind +f12 "spy"
bind +[ "invleft"
bind *[ "invleft"
bind +] "invright"
bind *] "invright"
bind += "viewsize +"
bind *= "viewsize +"
bind +" "viewsize -"
bind *
bind +pause "pause"
bind -f "-health"
bind +f "+health"
Updated by danij almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
For whatever reason I too suddenly started experiencing this
I checked my control bindings and +usearti was set as a
repeatable event but after changing it to a one time event I
was still getting this problem.
After checking the code I noticed there was slightly
different logic for action[A_USEARTIFACT] between jHeretic
and jHexen.
As I do not have this problem in jHeretic I changed the
jHexen logic branch to use that of jHeretic - this resolved
the problem.
It looks like it was an issue with the way the var "usearti"
was manipulated in the jHexen logic branch.
I'll check the fix in to SVN soon.