Feature #1544
Support for ZDoom's Decorate function
As far as I know, Doomsday's capability to modify weapon behavior, and add new weapons/monsters etc is limited to DeHacked patches and its own customization system. However, Zdoom and its derivatives are most popular for their Decorate function that allows modders to easily add in weapon, item, inventory, monsters and tweak their behaviour with great precision. Two ideas I have to implement compatibility in Doomsday for the DECORATE function is to a) have an extra DECORATE subsystem added to the codebase so it can also understand DECORATE code natively or b) an interpreter that can automatically translate DECORATE code into a language Doomsday can understand, (as faithfully as possible)
Question : Is jDoom capable of understanding ACS?
Labels: Customizability
Related issues
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to ZDoom, Decorations, MapData
- Subject changed from Support for ZDoom's Decorate function? to Support for ZDoom's Decorate function
- Category set to 3rd party compatibility
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
Question : Is jDoom capable of understanding ACS?
Not presently; see #1252.
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Target version set to Modding