Feature #1330
Prevention of loading default dde effect deds
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In mods like the jDRP it would be very usefull if you
could skip loading the standard Doomsday particle and
light deds.
A skipif at the start of each would suffice so when using
the jDRP you could add it to the command line so it
won't load them as it's got it's own particle & light deds.
Labels: Customizability
Updated by skyjake about 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
-nodefaultfx is now in Lights.ded and Particles.ded.
Updated by skyjake almost 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
Virtual files override real ones. What if jDRP provided (empty?)
replacements for the default particle DED files?
A SkipIf would be convenient, though. Something like:
SkipIf -nodefaultfx;