


Bug #913

HeXen: level warping cheats partially broken

Added by vermil almost 15 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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In Beta6.9 "warp 30" (console) or "visit 30" (cheat code) don't work when they should take the player to the Vivarium.

Also "warp 32" or "visit 32" takes the player to map01; Windowing Hall for some reason, when they should be considered a bad input.


#1 Updated by danij almost 15 years ago

As I said on ICQ, in Hexen warping to an unknown map will take you to the first map in the first hub. This is not a bug.

I'll look into the "warp 30" issue.

#2 Updated by vermil almost 15 years ago

And I responded by stating that it doesn't.

33+ simply prints "bad input" in a hud message.

1-31 with the exception of 30, take you to that map (based off the MAPINFO, rather than the actual map numbers), as the original game and earlier versions of Dday did.

30 should take the player to Vivarium, as it did in the original game and previous versions of Dday. In Beta 6.9 it is considered a bad input.

32 is the only number outside the original map numbers, that takes you to 1. Given what you say (i.e that it's a new feature), that seems to be intentional. However it s a bug then that 33+ print bad input, instead of taking you to 1.

#3 Updated by danij almost 15 years ago

Ok the confusion here seems to be due to a mix up in what the original code was supposed to do (according to comments in the source) compared to how it actually worked in practice.

Your explanation is indeed correct, that is how it appears from a user's pov. However, according to the logic of the code in question, its not supposed to work like that.

The way the MAPINFO parser works is to assume that if not defined the "warp number" will default to 1. So attempting to warp to an undefined map should take the player to map 1. However, there is conflicting logic here between the command line and the warp/visit cheats.

I see no reason to maintain the original esoteric logic in this case and am of the opinion that there should be only one logic in use throughout.

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