Bug #905
[DEH] Wrong sprites displayed (shooting pinkys)
I have two very similar DEH files (for each DOOM 1 and 2) which used to work already in the original game and in any DeHackEd compatible source port so far.
Only the current Doomsday Engine (1.9.0 b6.9) seems to misinterpret them and makes the BFG9000 shoot "Pinky Demons" which are walking until the projectile hits a wall or opponent - then the usual BFG hit is displayed correctly again.
Warning: These files are quite extreme, combined from several "Super Weapon" scripts, with rapid-fire tweaks and mega ammo clips.
Labels: jDoom
Updated by ligh1l almost 15 years ago
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Its not just these particular mods that are affected. Support for old Text style sprite name changing in DEH patches is completely non-functional presently. Numerous well known classic mods are broken as a result (e.g., Strain).