Bug #888
[1.9.0-beta6.9 / Mac OS X 10.6] Wrong music track in jHexen
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It seems track counter (or whatever) doesn't increase at level 1. In result menu music (or current level music if start new game while playing) plays at level 1, level 1 music plays at level 2 and so on.
Was ok in 1.9.0-beta6.8.
Labels: jHexen
#1 Updated by skyjake almost 15 years ago
I think I found the problem: http://deng.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=deng/deng;a=commit;h=592f1556a8a38d728def4f743e2d29e2432eb100
#2 Updated by blinkfrog over 14 years ago
Update: It isn't "counter or whatever" problem. Even loading savegame from beta6.8 at second or further level expose this bug. Music track always play from previous level.
#3 Updated by skyjake over 14 years ago
I've fixed this for build 339.