Bug #878
Automap visual nitpicks
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Not really a bug, more a little visual oversight; while the automap and map title fade in and out with the automap, the status bar hud and kill/item/secret counts, if enabled, both just appear and disapear.
Also, the kill/item/secret counters, if enabled are just overlapped by the 4th hud message. Maybe the counters should be moved down a few unit's.
Labels: Graphics
#1 Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Fixed for 1.9.0-Beta6.10
#2 Updated by danij about 12 years ago
I think the best solution here is to change the kill/item/secret counters so they are regular HUD elements and visible always, rather than only when the automap is visible.
I accept the points you make about the fade of the status bar and the position of the kill/tem/secret counters.