Bug #870
possible index-out-of-bounds? (dgl_texture.c)
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From line 399:
void GL_GetColorPaletteRGB(DGLuint id, DGLubyte rgb3, ushort idx)
if(id != 0 && id - 1 < numColorPalettes)
const gl_colorpalette_t* pal = &colorPalettes[id-1];
if(idx >= pal->num)
Con_Message("GL_GetColorPaletteRGB: Warning, color idx %u "
"out of range in palette %u.\n", idx, id))
idx = MINMAX_OF(0, idx, pal->num) * 3;
rgb[CR] = pal->data[idx];
rgb[CG] = pal->data[idx + 1];
rgb[CB] = pal->data[idx + 2];
#define MINMAX_OF(a, x, b) ((x) < (a)? (a) : (x) > (b)? (b) : (x))
The ConMessage says that an idx equal to or greater than pal->num is invalid. But the MINMAX_OF macro limits idx to pal->num, INCLUSIVE.
Say pal->num is 5. Based on the code, that means pal->num is [15]. If you pass an idx of 6 to the function, it tells you that it's out of range. But then it goes right ahead and tries to get pal->data15, pal->data16 and pal->data17 anyway. Perhaps it should be MINMAX_OF(0, idx, (pal->num - 1)) * 3 instead?
Labels: OpenGL Renderer
Updated by danij about 12 years ago
Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.9