Bug #855
[Hexen] P_UnarchiveThinkers: Unknown tClass 107
Crash on loading game.
Labels: jHexen
Updated by arclore about 15 years ago
doomsday log file
Updated by arclore about 15 years ago
hexen save game
Updated by arclore about 15 years ago
I don't understand Hexen's save slots. There are six slots that appear on the load menu, yet eight numbered saves, (0-7) with I suppose additional saves for each map of a hub. But for me, this is from loading the fifth slot.
Updated by skyjake about 15 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
I found this bug too in hexen's Map 9 (9): CAVES OF CIRCE in dengine 6.9. Game was linux version running on Xubuntu 10.04
Saved games from map 9 works fine untill I discovered about half of map. Then I was unable to load last saved game.
doomsday.out: http://pastebin.com/DPJFkWTj
savegame slot: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Bzm844BjCRaGZmE5NmE1NzctNmVmOS00ZjRmLThmZmQtZjhjYjM4YTRjYmM0&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
I was unable to attach save game files to this bug so I added them to google doc's. In hex6.zip there is global file for whole hub and there are files for maps 13 and 09.