Bug #853
Console: warp command doesn't work on Doom1 or Heretic
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As the summary states. It appears that the warp console command only recognizes Doom2 MapXX.
Labels: Console
Updated by vermil about 15 years ago
I have been informed that the warp command for warping to ExMx maps has been changed to now require a space between the numbers, on account of new features being added to Dday.
For instance, in 1.8.6 one could type "warp 14" to go to E1M4. Whereas now one has to type "warp 1 4".
So this bug report is now erroneous.
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Seems to work fine for me. You need to use the form "warp Episode Map" e.g.: warp 1 3