Bug #846
[Heretic] Some projectiles curve over water
In Heretic, many watery areas have a current which pushes the player in a certain direction if he is in contact with it. However, some projectiles are pushed by the current if they fly anywhere over water. Also, a player flying by Wings of Wrath is still pushed. This of course makes no sense visually or physically, but may be unavoidable, given the "2.5D" nature of the doom engine. But oddly, some projectiles are immune. Noticeable with Undead Warriors, as their green axes ARE affected, whereas their red axes are NOT.
An incomplete list:
-outer ethereal crossbow shots
-hellstaff (normal)
-Undead Warrior green axe
-central ethereal crossbow shots
-phoenix rod (normal)
-Undead Warrior red axe
-firemace (normal and power)
Attached pic shows the discrepancy between the inner and outer parts of the crossbow shot, in the large secret area in E1M1. In this pic, current is flowing to the right.
Labels: jHeretic Gameplay
Updated by vermil about 15 years ago
This isn't a bug.
The example yourself gives is not a water current sector type, but a wind sector type.
In Heretic certain projectiles are affected by wind sector types, including the ones you list. The player is also affected by wind regardless of whether they are flying in Heretic.
Updated by arclore about 15 years ago
current pushes some projectiles.