Bug #738
WFALL Textures inanimate in PWAD
In Doom, the textures WFALL1-4 are animated waterfalls, but these textures are not included by default.
In my own WAD I am creating, the waterfalls are inanimate for some reason (added manually as WFALL1, WFALL2, WFALL3, and WFALL4). For some reason, it works fine in other WADs I am trying out, but not the WAD I am creating.
The waterfalls in my WAD animate properly in Doomsday 1.8.6, and even Vanilla Doom, as they are expected to. But they will not animate in the 1.9.0 beta series.
I was going to attach my WAD to show you, but it is took big to upload.
Labels: Graphics
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
This isn't a bug per-say, more of an incompatibility with vanilla DOOM. It should be a simple matter of moving the WFALL sequence to the built-in list for both DOOM and DOOM II.
Until this is addressed in code you have the option of creating a Group definition manually as a work around.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.6