Bug #663
I've found a problem in music!
I found a problem of the music in game. If you wanna have both sound effects and music in the games, you must not apply the "sky" packages such as JDoom Skybox - doom1 sky1 - KuriKai", "Skyglow", "jdep-all-20080614.pk3", "jdep-doom-rain-KuriKai-20060501-1.pk3". When you do this, you run the game, when entering the game, the game has music. But it has no sound effect, then you enter the control panel, and set the option "16-bit sound" to be "no" and the option "3D music" to be "yes" manually. Then you can have both music and sound effect.
Hope this message is useful!
I'd like to join your team, to help the developement. However, I don't know much about C/C++, I'm familiar with Java so much.
May you good luck in the game development! Thank you for your hard work!!!
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to submit this report. However, all of these
issues have already been reported.
Closing as duplicate.