Bug #654
Hexen crash\playabitliy issue
I have run into two problems while playing Hexen. Now the first one I'm not sure if its the game or the engine but when I try to use the Flame mask to get the Fire key, nothing happens. The item was not used, the pillar the key was on was not lowered. The only thing that happened was I got the message "can't use this item here" or something of that nature, the only way I was able to get the key to continue was to use the clipping cheat. The other problem I found was in the fire guardian level, after you use the fire key and enter the next room there is a switch that reveals a lift to a room below you. When I enter said room and kill the monsters the game crashes and I get the error "SetValue: DDVT_PTR incompatible with value type DDVT_INT." Now I get this error everytime I enter this room. If I remember correctly there is an event in that room, like the floor falling apart, maybe that is triggering the crash? Anyway I've attached the doomsday.out file hopefully it will be of some use.
Labels: jHexen
Updated by sanzoivalice almost 16 years ago
Doomsday.out file for the SetValue: DDVT_PTR incompatible with value type DDVT_INT.
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Thanks for submitting this bug report. Both of these issues have since been fixed for the (imminent) 1.9.0-beta6.1 release.