Bug #649
Armor bugs not only in jDoom
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A have 1.9.0-beta6 installed and I have found quite big bg. In jDoom games that i have played(Ultimate Doom, Doom 2) and jHeretic game(Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders) I have noticed that when I take armor, it disapear from the game and also the message say for example You pick up the armor in jDoom games and You have the silver shield in jHeretic games but nothing is added to your HUD, it is still 0% armor, even when the armor is picked up. This does not apply to Armor bonus pick-up, the armor helmets, in that way is everything OK.
Labels: jDoom
Updated by venomx almost 16 years ago
Hups..now I am seeing that i have created a duplicate theme...I am sorry..I will be much more careful next time. Again I am sorry.
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Closing as duplicate