Bug #641
Resolution change issues (Linux)
I have the following problems with the recently released deng 1.9.0beta6 in Linux,
In summary: the programs always starts with a resolution of 640x480, regardless of my settings in the jdoom.cfg (the default resolution!)
When I change to a higher resolution, the control panel seems to stay as small as 640x480. Pressing escape (in order to return to the menu) and re-entering the control panel again solves that minor control panel rendering issue.
Suppose that I set a resolution of 1600x1200, and suppose that I also click the "set default" button. This works, but then I quit the game:
- the jdoom.cfg contains "vid-res-x 1600" and "vid-res-y 1200", as expected.
- when I run the game again, I'll get 640x480 instead.
- when I visit the control panel, the default resolution still shows "1600x1200", but "640x480" is selected at the resolution selection dialog where all possible resolutions are listed for selection.
- when I quit the game again, and reinspect jdoom.cfg, it still contains "vid-res-x 1600" and "vid-res-y 1200"
It seems that the default resolution is ignored somehow, at least on my system...
...or am I missing something trivial?
Thanks for your time,
Labels: Graphics
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Thanks for the report. However, this issue has already been added to this tracker, please see here:
Closing this as duplicate.