Bug #577
Idiosyncrasy of pickup code
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In Doom.exe, running over a mobj defined as a pickup that uses an unknown/undefined sprite tells the game to exit with a "P_SpecialThing: Unknown gettable thing" message.
This seems like an Idiosyncrasy on ID's part, that remains in Doomsday.
Why not, in Dday, instead of exiting the game when coming across such a pickup, simply treat it as a blank pickup? i.e the mobj is picked up, but simply does nothing and displays no hud message?
Because the original game exited, there are no compatibility issues to consider.
Labels: Gameplay
#1 Updated by vermil almost 16 years ago
Might as well add, I was also talking about Heretic and HeXen above, not just Doom.
#2 Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6