Bug #491
Tiny blood splat editing bug
By default the blood splat's spawn state is "Blood1".
But if the attack does more than a certain ammount of damage, the spawn state is changed to "Blood2" or "Blood3" (according to the src).
It seems when Dday goes to spawn blood splats that have a spawn state of Blood2 or 3 it ignores what ever is in the objects.ded for those states (i.e if you've changed the graphic used for these states, it will still display the original blood splat sprite).
Labels: Definitions
#1 Updated by danij about 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This is due to the fact that the state chosen is determined by a (random) offset relative to the numeric identifier of the original Blood1 state. How to fix this without breaking DeHackED support?
#2 Updated by vermil over 15 years ago
I'll also throw in that the Doom players punch and chainsaw actions are similarly affected by this behaviour, except for puffs, naturally.
#3 Updated by danij over 14 years ago
Duplicate of bug #1498037 https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1498037&group_id=74815&atid=542099