Bug #491
Tiny blood splat editing bug
By default the blood splat's spawn state is "Blood1".
But if the attack does more than a certain ammount of damage, the spawn state is changed to "Blood2" or "Blood3" (according to the src).
It seems when Dday goes to spawn blood splats that have a spawn state of Blood2 or 3 it ignores what ever is in the objects.ded for those states (i.e if you've changed the graphic used for these states, it will still display the original blood splat sprite).
Labels: Definitions
Updated by danij about 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This is due to the fact that the state chosen is determined by a (random) offset relative to the numeric identifier of the original Blood1 state. How to fix this without breaking DeHackED support?
Updated by vermil over 15 years ago
I'll also throw in that the Doom players punch and chainsaw actions are similarly affected by this behaviour, except for puffs, naturally.
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Duplicate of bug #1498037 https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1498037&group_id=74815&atid=542099