Bug #409
MP3s do not clear cache
For a more detailed description, read this post on the NewDoom forums: Forums would not respond when I posted this bug. Will post the link in a comment as soon as forums are up again.
Basically, it seems that Doomsday does not replace the cache after having played an MP3. If you have a set of MP3s and an audio DED updated to match your MP3s, the first track will be played for absolutely everything, including intermissions and levels it is not supposed to play for. OGG music seems to play fine.
This has only been tested on jDoom on a Windows XP machine on Doomsday Beta-5.1. The MP3s used were the 32X Doom music from http://www.doom2.net/~doomdepot/ . I have tried converting these to OGG, then to WAV, then from there back to MP3s to make sure it wasn't just his tracks. The same behaviour continued once they were back as MP3s.
Labels: Music
Updated by kresjah about 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Ok, here is the link to the topic with a more detailed description: http://forums.newdoom.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=32450
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
It would seem that this isn't a problem in Doomsday per-say. The various "jdep" addons are missing music bindings which results in no music being played if these addons are used.
Perhaps we should revise how MapInfo definitions work so that rather than replacing the default definitions, custom MapInfos instead patch the default definitions?