Bug #407
Crushing ceilings stall and won't restart
The crushing ceilings in E2M2 will stall if you start them, then cross a linedef that stops them. They will not restart again if you cross a linedef that is supposed to activate them again.
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by phoenix9000 about 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Addendum: After playing through some more on the E2 levels of Ultimate Doom, I've found the following behavior:
1) Any constant movers that can be triggered on and off, either crushing ceilings or perpetually moving lifts such as the pink lifts in E2M3 suffer from this problem.
2) Reloading a saved game after the movers have stalled will allow them to be reactivated. However, the mover's range of motion will be diminished. If a ceiling is partway down, the position it stopped at will be it's new upper movement limit. If a perpetual lift is partway up, this will be its new upper movement limit. This is very similar to the original Doom 1.2 bug where crushing ceilings would lose their range of motion with savegames.
3) Normal lifts that are triggered by a switch or player linedef crossing do not suffer from this problem.
Updated by danij almost 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6.
Updated by yagisan over 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Closing - Fixed in svn