Bug #379
Heretic e1m5 stairs won't rise
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I am using v1.9.0-beta4 of Doomsday and am playing
Heretic. On level e1m5, after retrieving the yellow
key, I hit the switch to raise the stairs to the green
key entrance(s); but the stairs do not raise. I tried
installing the old 1.8.5 version of Doomsday with
Kickstart and it worked fine. Please help me with this.
Labels: jHeretic Gameplay
Updated by danij over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
This is a known bug in 1.9.0-beta4 and has been reported
numerous times in this tracker.
When submitting bug reports, please check that the issue you
are reporting has not been already.
This problem is fixed in SVN for the upcoming 1.9.0-beta5.
Closing as duplicate.