Bug #360
weapon autoswitch when ammo-pickup
Start date:
% Done:
After you run out of ammo for a gun (lets call it gun
A), it gets autoswitched to another one. Fine so far,
but when you pickup ammo again for gun A, it gets
autoswitched back to gun A! This happens, even if
weapon autoswitch is disabled in the settings. This
only happens after you ran out of ammo. The correct
behaviour would be for the current gun to stay.
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by danij over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Added cvar "player-autoswitch-ammo" autoswitch weapon when
after collecting ammo for a weapon which had previously ran
out of ammo; 0= never 1= if better 2= always.
Implemented in SVN for Doomsday 1.9.0-beta5.