Bug #355
Heretic - invincibility does not flash on wearing off
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Longstanding Doomsday Engine bug.
If you compare Doom and Heretic, original engines, it
is such that on using the Invincibility artifact, the
screen colours change. 3 seconds before it wears off,
the screen flashes between normal colours and
invincibility colours which gives the player time to
get behind cover if attacking.
Now JDOOM supports this and it works
JHERETIC does not. Yet it ws in the original Heretic
(1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Stephen Howe
Labels: jHeretic
Updated by zachkeene over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Confirmed with DOS Heretic v1.3. Patch 1551330 submitted.
Updated by danij over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Thanks for the patch zachkeene.
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta5.