Bug #352
Heretic - most difficult mode - monsters respawn
Using 1.9.0 - beta4
Notice two things on selecting "black plague
possessth thee"
(i) On doing so you get the Doom-like message
"Are you sure? This level is not even remotely fair"
On original Heretic (1.1, 1.2, 1.3), no such message
EVER came up.
(ii) That monsters respawn.
They never did so on original Heretic.
Unlike Doom, the top level of Heretic was quite
playable. Monsters do stay dead.
Stephen Howe
Labels: jHeretic
Updated by zachkeene over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Confirmed with DOS Heretic v1.3. I've been on a roll today
so I'll see if I can get this one fixed as well. :)
Updated by zachkeene over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
OK, I've submitted patch 1551321 to fix this.
For anyone who doesn't want to fiddle with patches/SVN/etc,
here's a workaround. Open the console and type:
server-game-monsters-respawn-nightmare 0
You'll still be stuck with the "remotely fair" dialog, but
that'll stop the monsters from respawning unless you
specifically request it.
Updated by danij over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Thanks for the patch zachkeene.
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta5.