Bug #312
mouse problem
At a certain point while playing jDoom the mouse
becomes uncontrollable and moves round at about 1
fps. Basically u can't do anything at all that is
bound to the mouse. Problem seems permanent.
I unsinstalled Doomsday (completely deleting the
folder as well) and reinstalled. Everything went back
to normal for a few maps and then it reoccured.
Before I uninstalled Doomsday however, I uninstalled
(final)Doom from my HD and reinstalled it but the
problem persisted, if that is of any help.
Labels: Controllers
Updated by skyjake over 18 years ago
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Please, tell me more about your computer: what kind of mouse are you using?
Does it have any special drivers? What is your operating system? Does the
mouse work correctly after every time you have started jDoom, but then stop
working after some period of time?
So far this problem has only been reported by you, so it seems a bit of an
isolated incident.
Updated by davaloscarlo over 18 years ago
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The mouse I am using is a micrisoft optical mouse.
It does not have any special drivers.
My operating system is Windows XP.
Like I said the problem is permamnent. In order to have a
working mouse again I have to uninstall and reinstall
Doomsday (so if I quit and reload without having
uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse does not work from
the start).
I shall however install Doomsday on my labtop and see if
the problem occurs there, and let you know.
If it doesn't then maybe it is just a problem with my
other computer.
Updated by davaloscarlo over 18 years ago
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ok I tried it on my labtop and as soon as i start a new
game it crashes. That said version 1.86 worked fine and
pretty much had installed since it came out.
My labtop is a compaq.
OS: windows XP.
Mouse: same one as before (microsoft optical), no special
Video card: ATI Mobility Radeon 7500. This is what I think
is causing the crash on my LT: old video card/drivers that
cannot be updated. But I maybe wrong.
(Heads up, my video card on my pc is Geforce 6800, just an
extra piece of info that I did not mention in my previous
follow up).
Conclusion: if I am right about the old video drivers on
my LT, then I was not able to test the mouse on my other
computer, sorry.
Updated by danij over 18 years ago
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I am posting this on behalf of scopic at the forums (see
I had this same problem after I installed Doomsday 1.9 Beta
4. It occured while I was playing Ultimate Doom so I gave up
and began to play Hexen. It happened again while I was
playing Hexen but only when I pressed the right buttons.
I find that if you're sprinting, and attacking at the exact
same time it'll lock up. I've been able to re-create this
glitch a couple of times while fixing it in this method. If
it locks up on me I just take an extra second to tap sprint,
and attack at the same time.
Hopefully that helps as it has helped me resolve my problem
in Doom.
Updated by davaloscarlo over 18 years ago
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Yeah well it looks like this is a bug and hpefully will be
fixed in future installments of Doomsday.
Updated by skyjake over 18 years ago
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Does the mouse filtering cvar have any effect on the problem? (input-mouse-
filter) Try different settings: 0, 1, 2.
Updated by skyjake about 18 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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Originator: NO
I have noticed this bug while playing Doom2 and is does indeed look as if the mouse data is only read once per second.
In the configuration file:
C:\Program Files\Doomsday\Snowberry\runtime\jDoom.cfg
336 Mouse input polling frequency (events per second). 0=unlimited.
337 input-mouse-frequency 1
Resetting the value to 100 corrects the problem for my system, as follows:
337 input-mouse-frequency 100
Updated by danij over 17 years ago
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Originator: NO
For Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6 the input device event system and binding mechanism has been replaced completely. I'll close this item as obsolete but if the problem persists, feel free to re-open it.