Bug #270
Complete crash level 1
My PC completely hangs and reboots when I play level 1
of DOOM. My PC:
P4C 2.6 overclocked to 3.1 GHz.
ATI Radeon 9700
1 GB of DDR memory (4 banks Corsair XMS3000)
Philips Acoustic Edge soundcard
Thanks for the effort, I do hope I'll be able to play
Doom on my PC again :-) I spent many many nights on it
10 yrs ago.
Labels: jDoom
Updated by danij about 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
We'll need so more info before we can diagnose the problem.
Can you please post the contents of your Doomsday.out file
next time it crashes.
Also, what were you doing at the time of the crash? Any
other programs running? What OS are you running?
Updated by yagisan almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
Rejecting due to insufficent information to determine if it
is deng, or the overclocked system at fault. Please re-open
if you can reporoduce this with the 1.9.0beta4 release
without overclocking your system.