Bug #256
turbo flag is not documented
It seems that the '-turbo <n>' command-line flag
supported in the original DOOM game from iD is
supported in jDoom or Doomsday, but the flag doesn't
appear to be documented anywhere. I see a number of
forum posts on the web for people who want to slow down
the run speed and this flag seems to be the only way to
do that. It might be nice if there was also a cvar to
control this speed and possibly an option for it in the
control panel as the default seems to be faster than
the original DOOM (unless I'm mistaken, and I certainly
might be) and it seems people would like to play it the
old way.
PS Thanks for all your work, the engine is heaps of fun!
Labels: jDoom
#1 Updated by danij about 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
There already is the CVAR player->move->speed which controls
the speed of player movement.
I've added the -turbo option to JDoom.txt