Bug #245
[Mac] Window mode (and mouse)
Doomsday takes over the whole screen in window mode, pointer cannot
be moved outside the window so it is impossible to select the Finder or
other apps and move Doomsday to the background.
If another app is selected after Snowberry quits but before Doomsday
finishes launching the pointer will be visible on top of the Doomsday
window at all times but will be imobile.
Doomsday also brightens the entire display to it's settings rather than
just the window - not sure if this is a bug or just the way it's done.
No biggy, normally run fullscreen anyway, I just thought I'd try the new
(to Mac) window view.
Labels: User Interface
Updated by skyjake over 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
Yes, I'm aware of these issues. But they are mostly caused by SDL
(www.libsdl.org), which is used for maintaining the game window and
getting input. It's supposed to be portable and work exactly like in Unix, but
apparently it has some bugs. Also, the way SDL gets input blocks the
normal application input loop, which causes the problems with the windows
and the mouse not responding.
I might look into cutting out the middleman and maintaining the window in a
truly native way, but for the time being SDL will have to suffice.
Updated by skyjake about 13 years ago
The windowed mode behavior is largely dictated by SDL, which we cannot influence. The cursor is released to move outside the game window while the Control Panel is open.
The display brightness is indeed currently defined for the entire display -- it is not a bug.