Bug #232
Boss Brain doesn't die by rockets as easily.
On the final level of Doom II, the Boss Brain doesn't
die from the rocket blasts in 3 hits.
There are a few ways to fix this:
1) Change the Boss Brain's health to 'Spawn health =
75;' in OBJECTS.DED. This will do nothing on custom
.wads such as Momento Mori unfortunatly, where the Boss
Brain would be totally undamaged from rocket blasts
anyways due to the depth of where the Boss Brain is
hidden. (see below).
2) Increase the height of Boss Brain. This will make
Boss Brain susceptible to damage from other weapons
though even when the lift on Icon of Sin is all the way up.
3) Make rockets cause damage with an infinite height
(reverting back to the older origininal Doom-engine
style). May cause an inconvenience in multiplayer
deathmatches. Maybe make an option to turn it on/off?
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by danij about 19 years ago
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Option 4)
Treat Boss Brain as infinitly tall without actually changing
it's height when checking for projectile impacts/splash damage.
Would require a new mf_ flag.
A global option to make rocket damage infinitely tall
(reverting to original behaviour) would be great addition
for multiplayer as the new behaviour completely changes the
way the rocket launcher is used in DM. The original
(quirky?) behaviour is something DOOM DM stalwarts
particularly enjoy due to the extra level of stratergy it
Updated by danij almost 19 years ago
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"Fixed" in SVN for 1.9.0-beta4.
Implemented as per details in my previous comment.